I’m such a fan of Marie-Louise von Franz, I knew I’d love this book. In Man and His Symbols, von Franz described active imagination as follows: "Active imagination is a certain way of meditating imaginatively, by which one may deliberately enter into contact with the unconscious and make a conscious connection with psychic phenomena." She also wrote on subjects such as alchemy, discussed from the Jungian, psychological perspective, and active imagination, which could be described as conscious dreaming. Von Franz also wrote over 20 volumes on Analytical psychology, most notably on fairy tales as they relate to Archetypal or Depth Psychology, most specifically by amplification of the themes and characters. In The Way of the Dream she claims to have interpreted over 65,000 dreams.
In addition to her many books, Von Franz recorded a series of films in 1987 titled The Way of the Dream with her student Fraser Boa. She cites the reference to the publication in an expanded essay Symbols of the Unus Mundus, published in her book Psyche and Matter. Von Franz, in 1968, was the first to publish that the mathematical structure of DNA is analogous to that of the I Ching. Two of her books, Number and Time and Psyche and Matter deal with this research. Due to his age, he turned the problem over to von Franz. He also believed that this concept of the unus mundus could be investigated through research on the archetypes of the natural numbers. Jung believed in the unity of the psychological and material worlds, i.e., they are one and the same, just different manifestations. Von Franz worked with Carl Jung, whom she met in 1933 and knew until his death in 1961. His websites, and jungandpauli.Marie-Louise von Franz was a Swiss Jungian psychologist and scholar.
Jung Center in Evanston, IllinoisĬarl Jung & Arnold Toynbee: The Social Meaning of Inner Work by J. The June Singer Clinic for Psychotherapy at the C.G. Gallery One Forty Four Lenny Foster’s new gallery in St. The Eden Project: In Search of the Magical Other by James Hollis Speaking of Jung, Episode 27 with James Hollis Sir Laurens van der Post Amazon Author Page Marion Woodman Amazon Author Page | Inner City Books Author Page – Purchase the DVD from Amazon | Stream online from the C.G. Jung & his Work with Dieter Baumann, M.D. Remembering Jung: A Conversation About C.G. Meierīollingen 1982 DVD with overvoice in English, French and SpanishĮTH Zürich Swiss Federal Institute of TechnologyĪurora Consurgens: A Document Attributed to Thomas Aquinas on the Problem of Opposites in Alchemy by Marie-Louise von Franz Gary SparksĪtom & Archetype: The Pauli/Jung Letters Edited by C.A. JungĪt the Heart of Matter: Synchronicity & Jung’s Spiritual Testament by J. Synchronicity: An Acausal Connecting Principle by C.G. Number & Time: Reflections Leading Toward a Unification of Depth Psychology & Physics by Marie-Louise von Franz
This episode is also available on iTunes, Stitcher, and Google Play.
It’s one hour and twenty-seven minutes long and 71 MB. You can listen to it right here in your browser or download it directly to your computer. This interview was recorded on Friday, September 22, 2017. His new book, Carl Jung & Arnold Toynbee: The Social Meaning of Inner Work, was published just last week by Inner City Books. He is the author of At the Heart of Matter: Synchronicity & Jung’s Spiritual Testament, and Valley of Diamonds: Adventures in Number & Time with Marie- Louise von Franz, and the editor of Edward Edinger’s Ego & Self: The Old Testament Prophets from Isaiah to Malachi, and co-editor with Daryl Sharp of Edinger’s Science of the Soul: A Jungian Perspective. He lectures widely on all levels of Jungian psychology, from introductory material to the detailed study of Jung’s most difficult works, and he is currently in private practice in Indianapolis, Indiana, where he conducts study groups in his home. Jung & Marie-Louise von Franz in Zürich, Switzerland. Jung Foundation of Ontario, Canada, and a lecturer for the analyst training program at the Research & Training Centre for Depth Psychology According to C.G. Sparks was a lecturer and seminar presenter at the C.G.
His thesis advisor, Marie-Louise von Franz, was considered to be Jung’s closest disciple, and his training analysts included Jung’s grandson, Dieter Baumann, and close friend and confidante, C.A. His thesis, “The Wounded Finger: Anchorage for Soul & Sense in Technology,” dealt with the psychology of creativity in science – the bearing of scientific creativity on unconscious processes and on soul and spirit. Gary Sparks received a Bachelor of Science in electrical engineering from the prestigious Bucknell University in Pennsylvania, a Master of Divinity and Master of Arts in pastoral counseling from the Pacific School of Religion in Berkeley, California, and a Diploma in Analytical Psychology from the C.G.